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2020/09/10 Ball nose type carbide end mills DPB2000 series

Ball nose type carbide end mills DPB2000 series

Design Feature
Latest Import Carbide Rod Using Round Flute
Improve the shock resistance and resistance to collapse

  • Using the latest import carbide rod, it can process on hardness up to 55HRC.
  • International tolerance standard h 5 tolerance range control at μ level accuracy.
  • Using round flute improve the shock resistance and resistance to collapse.
  • By reducing cutting resistance to achieve high speed and feeding processing.

Processing on Alloy Steel, Carbon Steel
Buy 10 Get 1 free

These tools are made in Taiwan with a pretty package.
To meet your cutting terms, if you have any opinions or questions, please contact us.

Model Name (mm) Diameter Radius Flute 
Shank Dia. O.A.L
DPB2100H 10 5 20 10 100


    Ball nose type carbide end mills DPB2000 series with Echaintool in Taiwan